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Crash Course: Productivity & Time-management
Crash Course: Productivity & Time-management
Welcome (1:04)
Welcome text
Download your planners + sheets here
Your ideal productivity routine (6:58)
Your Ideal productivity routine text
Habits that kills productivity & time-wasters to delete from your life right now (1:31)
Time-saving tips for busy entrepreneurs (8:44)
Time-saving tips for busy entrepreneurs text
Work smarter, not harder. Time management + productivity hacks you need to know (8:36)
Work smarter, not harder. Time management + productivity hacks you need to know text
Don't do this: Productivity and time-management myths that hold you back (5:39)
Don't do this: Productivity and time-management myths that hold you back text
My top 6 automations that will help you get more done in less time (7:39)
My top 6 automations that will help you get more done in less time text
Forget the 4 hour work week. The steps for a 4 day work month. (10:46)
Forget the 4 hour work week. The steps for a 4 day work month. text
100 hacks (11:41)
A list of useful Productivity & Time management resources (2:36)
Work smarter, not harder. Time management + productivity hacks you need to know
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